In Hermes Group warehouse you will find complete T/C, either new or reconditioned. We have full range of spare parts for the above turbocharger.
Additionally you may find the following types of T/C:
– ABB – SKL – MAN –B&W – Garret – IHI – Holset – Schwitzer – Scoda – KKK –Napier – MTU
Also many other spare parts for different kind of turbochargers.
- General Inspection, Repairs and Testing of all Types of Turbochargers
- Overhauling
- Reblading and Calibration
- Ultrasonic Measurement of turbocharger casing and Reports
- Dynamic Balancing
- Reconditioning of Bearings
- Reconditioning of Lub oil Pumps
- Deflection Testing
- Checking for Alignment and general measurement of Rotor shaft according
to Manufacturer’s Standards.